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  1. James Bond Vesper with a Lavender Twist | Grand Prix Eats
    May 24, 2021 @ 11:08 pm

    […] any martini, this is a very booze-forward cocktail. I suggest enjoying this with a light snack like caviar or […]


  2. Fresh Oyster Platter with Mignonette | Grand Prix Eats
    May 26, 2021 @ 3:08 am

    […] Nothing says fresh summer patio eating like an abundant platter of freshly shucked oysters, especially when paired with a glass of bubbles. What is left to write? Oysters with mignonette were a no-brainer for the menu for the 2021 Monaco Grand Prix, so much so that we ended up having them two nights in a row – first with friends (who helped pair the oysters with the Jean Bourdy Cremant du Jura) and again on Sunday as an appetizer to the Butter-braised Steak with Anchoiade and Gratin de Pomme de Terre. For the perfect classic oyster accompaniment, look no further than a red wine mignonette (see recipe below) and an equally luscious serving of caviar. […]


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